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First Prize of National Teaching Achievement Award


Innovation and Practice of‘1+M+N’Collaborative Teaching Mode of Cross Regional and Cross School Online Open Course, Xu Xiaofei, Zhan Dechen, Su Xiaohong, Chu Dianhui, Zhang Ce, etc.—2018


Second Prize of National Teaching Achievement Award


Teaching Reform Practice and Teaching Support Environment Construction of C Language Excellent Course for Cultivating Innovative Practice Ability, Wang Yuying, Su Xiaohong, Wang Kuanquan, Sun Zhigang, Li Xiukun, Fu Zhongchuan2009


Second Prize of National Excellent Textbook Award for Ordinary Colleges and Universities


The 21st Century Curriculum Materials, Computer Organization Principle/Principles of Computer Organization, Tang Shuofei--2002


Outstanding Prize of Shandong Province Teaching Achievement Awards


Research and Practice of Collaborative MOOC/SPOC/Flipped Classroom Teaching Reform and Teaching Method Based on‘1+M+N’,Xu Xiaofei, Zhan Dechen, Chu Dianhui, Zhang Ce, Ji Zhenzhou, Gu Songlin, etc.--2018


Outstanding Prize of Heilongjiang Province Teaching Achievement Awards


Research and Application of MOOC Standards in Chinese Universities,

Xu Xiaofei, Zhan Dechen, Zhang Ce, Zhang Lijie--2020


First Prize of Heilongjiang Province Teaching Achievement Awards


The Exploration and Practice of the Training Mode of Double Creative Talents based on the Production-Education Integration from the Full-domain Perspective, Liu Hongwei, Su Xiaohong, Zhang Yu, Tu Zhiying, Shi Xianjun, Li Zhijun, etc.--2020


Training Mode and Reform Practice of Triple Iterative Computer Major Talent, Zhan Dechen, Liu Hongwei, Jiang Shouxu, Zhang Lijie, Nie Lanshun, Luo Jizhou, Shi Xianjun, Liu Shaohui, Chen Yin, Li Zhijun, Song Qiaohong--2020


Through MOOC, Creating a New Form of Resource-Sharing Education and Constructing a New Student-oriented Teaching Mode, Zhan Dechen, Su Xiaohong, Liu Hongwei, Zhang Lijie, Li Quanlong, Nie Lanshun, Wang Hongzhi, Che WanXiang, Zhang Yanhang, Song Qiaohong--2018


Reform and Practice of High-quality Postgraduates Training Mode Oriented to Top-notch Innovative Talents, Xu Xiaofei, Wang Yadong, Zhang Hongli, Li Sheng, Han Jiqing, Wang Kuanquan--2018


Research and Practice of the Educational System of Top-notch Innovative Talents in Computer, Xu Xiaofei, Wang KuanQuan, Tang Shuofei, Wang Yihe, Li Sheng--2011


Innovative Practice Teaching Research of Computer Organization Principle/Principles of Computer Organization, Tang Shuofei, Zhang Zhan, Shu Yanjun, Luo Danyan--2011 


Research and Practice of Engineering-oriented Ability Training in Computer Software Practical Teaching System, Su Xiaohong, Wang Kuanquan, Wang Yuying, Li Xiukun, Sun Dalie--2011


Research and Practice of the Multinational Joint Training Program Mode of Software Engineering International Talent, Xu Xiaofei, Li Haifeng, Huang Hujie, Wang Ling, etc.--2009


Characteristic Teaching Reform Practice of Excellent C Language Courses and Construction of Serialized Teaching Materials and Network Resources, Wang Yuying, Su Xiaohong, Sun Zhigang, Li Xiukun, Fu ZhongChuan--2007


National Excellent Courses


Computer Organization Principle/Principles of Computer Organization, Tang Shuofei—2005


Data Structures and Algorithms, Liao Minghong--2006


Set Theory and Graph Theory, Wang Yihe--2007


The C Programming Language,Wang Yuying--2007


National Excellent Video Open Courses


Introduction to Software Engineering Program, Xu Xiaofei--2016



National Excellent Resource-sharing Courses


The C Programming Language, Su Xiaohong--2013


Computer Organization Principle/Principles of Computer Organization, Liu Hongwei—2013


Data Structures and Algorithms, Li Xiukun--2013


Set Theory and Graph Theory, Jiang Shouxu--2013



National Excellent MOOC


Introduction to Computer, Zhan Dechen, Zhang Lijie, Nie Lanshun, Song Qiaohong-- 2017


Algorithms in Big DataWang Hongzhi, Liu Xianmin, Wang Jinbao


The C Programming LanguageSu Xiaohong, Zhao Lingling, Ye Lin, Zhang Yanhang--2017


Computer Networks, Li Quanlong,Nie Lanshun—2017


Advanced Language Programming (Python), Che Wanxiang, Zhao Yanyan, Yuan Yongfeng, Ye Lin--2017


Computer Organization Principle/Principles of Computer Organization, Liu Hongwei, Zhang Lijie, Shu Yanjun, Zhang Zhan—2017


Database System, Zhan Dechen, Shi Jiantao, Song Qiaohong, etc.--2019


Introduction to Software Engineering Program, Xu Xiaofei, Nie Lanshun, Tu Zhiying--2017


Operating System, Li Zhijun--2019


Compilation Principle, Chen Yin, Guo Yong--2019


Three Issues & Three Tools , Yin Shengjun, Liu Hongwei, etc.--2019


Set Theory and Graph Theory, Jiang Shouxu, Chen Jianwen, Liu Feng, Luo Jizhou, Song Qiaohong--2020


Digital Logic Design, Zhang Yanhang, Li Qiong, Zhang Yingtao, Wang Yu--2020


Computer System, Shi Xianjun, Liu Hongwei, Zheng Guibin, Wu Rui--2020


First Prize of National Excellent Textbook Award


Computer Organization Principle/Principles of Computer Organization, Third Edition, Higher Education PressTang Shuofei—2021


Second Prize of National Excellent Textbook Award


University Computers: Computational Thinking and Information Literacy Third Edition, Higher Education Press, Zhan Dechen, Zhang Lijie --2021.


Outstanding Prize of Heilongjiang Province Textbook Construction Award


Computer Organization Principle /Principles of Computer OrganizationThird Edition, Tang Shuofei, Liu Hongwei, Zhang Lijie, Shu Yanjun--2021 


First Prize of Heilongjiang Province Textbook Construction Award


University Computers: Computational Thinking and Information Literacy, Third Edition, Higher Education Press, Zhan Dechen, Zhang Lijie, Zhai Jianhong--2021


MOOC of Chinese Universities

Online Course

Teacher List

Introduction to Software Engineering

Xu Xiaofei Zhan Dechen

Advanced Language Programming

Nie Lanshun

Computer Composition Principle

Che Wanxiang

C Language Program Design

Liu Hongwei

Fundamentals of Programming

Su Xiaohong

Introduction to University Computer - Computational Thinking

Su Xiaohong

Introduction to Computer Science

Zhan Dechen

Computer Network

Zhan Dechen

Big Data Algorithm

Li Quanlong

Database System

Zhan Dechen

Algorithm Design and Analysis

Wang Hongzhi

Operating System

Li Zhijun

Modern Algebra

Ren Shijun

Mathematical Foundation of Information Security

Han Qi

Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools

Chen Yin

Entrepreneurship 3+3

Yin Shengjun

Digital Logic Design

Zhang Yanhang